© Editorial UOC 579 Bibliografía
(October 2004), Disponible Online HTTP:http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/
issue9_10/wouters/ .
YTREBERG, Espen e Gunn, Enly (2004), SMS-based TV: The impact of conver-
gence on TV production, Department of Media and Communication, University
of Oslo.
ZAMARIA, Charles (2004) Canadian Internet Project WORLD INTERNET PROJECT
SURVEY (2004), Disponible Online HTTP: http://www.soc.toyo.ac.jp/~mikami/
ZITTEL, Thomas (2001) “Electronic Democracy and Electronic Parliaments – A
Comparison between the US House, the Swedish Riksdagen, and the German
Bundestag”, Paper presented to the Joint Sessions of Workshops of the European
Consortium of Political Research, Workshop 3: Electronic Democracy: Mobilization,
Organization and Participation, Grenoble, 6-11 April 2001, Disponible Online: